Meanwhile I Keep Dancing
Meanwhile, I Keep Dancing is a passionate memoir of the author’s life-long fight to live her dreams despite an illness which foils her at every turn. It is also about a journey of acceptance, long fought against and for years refused, but ultimately required. It is about coming to trust that despite all the loss, what she is given in this life will be enough. From the dog who saved her life in a mountain blizzard, to living in a tee-pee in a national forest, to almost drowning on a quiet river trip, this book chronicles an outrageous life of adventure and positivity amidst the struggles and heartaches of living with a serious illness. It is a story of resilience, adventure, and an unbeatable spirit.
The Kirkus Review: "...the author is a skilled writer who effectively conveys an inspirational message of self-discovery and an honest assessment of past mistakes. This is a down-to-earth, accessible read about picking up the pieces when life falls apart. A motivating, authentic memoir about overcoming life’s obstacles."